speculative prose

Issue 13 Table of Contents

Beautiful woman in fluttering medieval dress on the stairwayIssue 13 is a collection about “Births,” but not just the birth of babies. Creation and procreation can give us beautiful and terrible things, or things that carry the balance of both. Some of our characters even behave like gods as they reclaim nature or mastermind heavens based on personal fantasies. The only thing these births have in common is that they all, in some fashion, manage to thwart death—sometimes by questionable means.



A Boy and His Cat-Bean, by Kyle E. Miller
(artwork by Diana M. Chien)

Last Stand at Cougar Annie’s, by Scott R Jones
(artwork by Brandon Knight)

The Fourth, by Naomi Manao
(artwork by Paula Arwen Owen)

Marta Ranunculus Wolf Calf, by Gillian Barlow Graham
(artwork by Edward Carey)

Jonathan’s Heaven Has Many Cats, by Rachael K. Jones
(artwork by Random Dreaming)

Cover art will be drawn by Random Dreaming.


This entry was posted on May 29, 2017 by in Issues.